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Results (2002)

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Yellow flower of Arum lily (113154) Yellow flower of Arum lily (113152) Yellow flower of Arum lily (113153) Yellow flower of Arum lily (113150) Yellow flower of Arum lily (113151) Smallanthus sonchifolius - Yacon (113129) Smallanthus sonchifolius - Yacon (113130) Smallanthus sonchifolius - Yacon (113128) Smallanthus sonchifolius - Yacon (113127) Smallanthus sonchifolius - Yacon (113125) Smallanthus sonchifolius - Yacon (113126) Smallanthus sonchifolius - Yacon (113124) Smallanthus sonchifolius - Yacon (113123) Smallanthus sonchifolius - Yacon (113122) Smallanthus sonchifolius - Yacon (113121) Sternbergia lutea - Winter daffodil (113120) Sternbergia lutea - Winter daffodil (113119) Sternbergia lutea - Winter daffodil (113118) Sternbergia lutea - Winter daffodil (113117) Sternbergia lutea - Winter daffodil (113116) Sternbergia lutea - Winter daffodil (113115) Sternbergia lutea - Winter daffodil (113114) Sternbergia lutea - Winter daffodil (113113) Sternbergia lutea - Winter daffodil (113112) Sternbergia lutea - Winter daffodil (113111) Sternbergia lutea - Winter daffodil (113110) Aster linosyris - Goldilocks aster (113020) Aster linosyris - Goldilocks aster (113018) Aster linosyris - Goldilocks aster (113019) Aster linosyris - Goldilocks aster (113017) Aster linosyris - Goldilocks aster (113016) Aster linosyris - Goldilocks aster (113014) Aster linosyris - Goldilocks aster (113015) Aster linosyris - Goldilocks aster (113013) Aster linosyris - Goldilocks aster (113012) Aster linosyris - Goldilocks aster (113011) Aster linosyris - Goldilocks aster (113010) Aster linosyris - Goldilocks aster (113009) Artemisia vulgaris - Mugwort (112871) Artemisia vulgaris - Mugwort (112870) Artemisia tilesii - Tilesius' wormwood (112868) Artemisia tilesii - Tilesius' wormwood (112866) Artemisia tilesii - Tilesius' wormwood (112867) Artemisia rupestris - Rock wormwood (112856) Artemisia pontica - Roman wormwood (112854) Artemisia pontica - Roman wormwood (112853) Artemisia ludoviciana 'Silver Queen' - Western mugwort (112847) Artemisia ludoviciana 'Silver Queen' - Western mugwort (112848) Artemisia ludoviciana - Western mugwort (112846) Artemisia ludoviciana - Western mugwort (112845)