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Stipa tenuissima - Mexican feather grass (104942)

Mexican feather grass with the scientific name: Stipa tenuissima, a species of the genus Stipa (Feather grass) in the family Poaceae.

Other names: Angel hair, Texas needle grass

Synonyms: Nassellia tenuifolia, Nassella tenuissima, Nassella tenuissima 'Pony Tails', Stipa tenuifolia

Media-ID: 104942

Stipa tenuissima - Mexican feather grass (104941)

Mexican feather grass with the scientific name: Stipa tenuissima, a species of the genus Stipa (Feather grass) in the family Poaceae.

Other names: Angel hair, Texas needle grass

Synonyms: Nassellia tenuifolia, Nassella tenuissima, Nassella tenuissima 'Pony Tails', Stipa tenuifolia

Media-ID: 104941