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Aegopodium podagraria - Goutweed (108724)

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Goutweed with the scientific name: Aegopodium podagraria, a species of the genus Aegopodium (Ground elder) in the family Apiaceae.

Other names: Ground elder, Ash weed, Achweed, Aiseweed, Axweed, Bishop's elder, Dog elder, Dwarf ash, Dwarf elder, Edgeweed, Goatweed, Goat's weed, Goutwort, Ground ash, Herb Gerard, Herb William, St Gerard's herb, White ach-herb

Synonyms: Aegopodium angelicifolium, Aegopodium simplex, Apium biternatum, Apium podagraria, Carum podagraria

Media-ID: 108724